Monthly Archives: February 2019

It’s Human

It’s human to be tired

It’s human to be cold

It’s human to be lonely

It’s human to get old.


It’s human to be losing

It’s human to get lost

And it’s human not to have

What being human costs.


It’s human to need saving

It’s human to be saved

It’s human to be carried

From the cradle to the grave.


It’s human to be dying

It’s human to be raised

It is human not to be

Who is worthy to be praised.

Desert Children

They raise up their walls around me

Thick and high and silent

A monastery so remote,

So removed from the world.


The Desert Children’s rule is strict.

The day is long and hard

There is nothing here not simple,

Nothing here that’s easy.


The day begins before the sun,

Ends after its setting.

Every minute in between is

A rough and holy thing.


They teach things I do not know

How to need, how to ask

How to accept, how to enjoy

How to receive a gift.


It is a long and lonely way

That some nights I can’t walk

So while the Desert Children sleep

I slip over the wall,


A stranger to the world outside,

Speak strangely of strange things

Speaking nursery rhymes to power.

Occupied with smallness.


But long before the sun comes up

I’m longing to return

To seek their sacred littleness,

The littleness I’d learn.